תקציר יחידת-הוראה

  • Welcome

  • Unit 1

  • Unit 2

    • Dreams and Goals
Dreams and Goals

    • A famous quote from Walt Disney says that “All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.”. A more recent version of the same concept, proposed by Greg Reid reminds us that “A dream written down with a date becomes a GOAL. A goal broken down into steps becomes a PLAN. A plan backed by ACTION makes your dreams come true.”

      If we want to design our own project for increasing youth engagement with our GLAM, we have to prepare an action plan, describing the way in which we intend to proceed.

    • The readers must design their own project, think of their specific GLAM, and write it according to the proposed scheme. You are requested to use the material presented in the previous sections, to design your own project and identify the list of actions to be implemented in short, mid, and long term.

      An online help desk has been made available during the pilot test, for supporting learners in their exercise and providing them with feedback concerning their homework.